Judy Bellah / Alamy Stock Photo

Global SinoPhoto Awards


The SinoPhoto Awards are proud to support the The Mother’s Bridge of Love charity, helping Chinese children all over the world.


The Global SinoPhoto Awards are open to all, and are a celebration of Chinese culture and heritage, wherever it is found around the globe. Winners of the awards will share a prize pool of $4250, feature in a 3D virtual gallery, and receive global press attention.





The Global SinoPhoto Awards aim to strengthen the international understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture and heritage around the world, and to celebrate its visual representation through photography. In this, the award’s inaugural year, we are inviting all photographers, regardless of age, race or location, to show us how they have engaged with and photographed Chinese culture, and what it means to them.

Since the Chinese invented the compass more than 2000 years ago, the Chinese people have travelled and traded widely. Wherever in the world the Chinese people settle, they retain an innate sense of family, tradition and community. But what does the world understand about this community beyond Chinese food, tourists, economic stats and news reports?

With recent events, including the pandemic, the issues of diversity and ethnicity have been heightened in discussions around the world. We are seeing communities worldwide debate and discuss their own race, ethnicity, heritage, and their future, and the Chinese community is no different. Here we can have a voice sharing what is positive. Photography can help understanding and expression – the visual language is universal; a photograph can speak 1000 words.


精深博大的华夏文明漂洋过海,将美味养身的中国茶菜遍及各国,还有那越来越热的“普通话”,这一切皆因离乡背井闯荡天下的华人经年来的播散与传扬。他们虽然分布在世界各个角落,但其祖籍家谱均同源于中国,他们从未谋面的同族远亲仍在故土孕育着未来…… 华人是个情筑的民族——亲情,乡情,友情,爱情,心情,感情,都融在华人的生命根髓中,可是,与华人共存的世界又对他们了解多少?


Justin Lee / Alamy Stock Photo

2020 awards in association with

Keep up to date with the awards


Contact details in China: Xu Jia (Tel/WeChat 13720081423)
