This contest is open to photographers ranked 1001+ in this week’s Leaderboard.
Some blend in with the crowd, others stand out from it, whether by intention or not. Maybe you've photographed punks with mohicans, a black sheep (literally or metaphorically) in a flock of white, or a tall building dropped in a low-rise neighbourhood. How you interpet the contest theme is over to you...
Ranked Contests are a weekly chance to compete alongside photographers of a similar Leaderboard ranking. Three contests with the same theme run at one time - for photographers ranked 1-250; 251-1000; and 1001+. They open Saturday morning after that week’s leaderboard has been updated, and are open for 5 days. They are Premium Contests, Expert-judged, but with no Crowd vote, so are worth 3x the standard ranking points.
This contest is expert judged only with no rating by the crowd. You will be able to find out how you did when the judging or rating period has closed.