James Bigglestone


In association with Photocrowd

Open Rating Results

At this time of the year, especially, family is central. The unique relationships and bonds that exist in these tight networks lend photos a warmth and openness that can’t be found anywhere else. We welcome all ages (and species!) of a family for this contest, and in any setting. Enjoy!

The crowd's favourite will win a Photocrowd Challenger subscription, worth £30.

Prize details

The crowd's favourite will win a Photocrowd Challenger subscription, worth £30. Our plans give you more ways to enjoy Photocrowd, including more entries into contests and reduced entry fees into a range of top photo awards.

How it works

Every photo submitted will be available for the crowd to rate once the submissions period has ended. You can see all the images uploaded to a contest, but will need to rate them to see how they’re ranked once the rating period begins.

Some contests on Photocrowd also have a judge. After the submission period closes the judge chooses their favourite images and writes some image reviews. The crowd and judge results will be announced on the same day.

Entries closed
8 January 2019

8 January 2019 to 15 January 2019

Winners announced
15 January 2019

For a more detailed explanation of how rating works, see our FAQs

See open contests