Oliver Gargan


Open Rating Results

We all have an image in our head when someone says 'Gothic'. It could be a graveyard, a style of architecture, a favourite film or an abandoned castle with a roof full of bats. Whatever it is, we'd like to see it in this contest. So get submitting those photos!

Winners and highly commended finishers will gain LumeJet prizes worth £30, as well as exposure across Photocrowd's social media channels and on the 'Best images' page.

Prize details

Crowd-voting only: The winner will receive a LumeJet voucher worth over £30 - earning you either a high-quality 1m print or equivalent value products! Winner and high-placed finishers will also gain exposure across Photocrowd's social media channels and on the 'Best images' page.

Lumejet voucher may be used against any online order and international shipping in a single transaction at lumejet.com within 28 days.

How it works

Every photo submitted will be available for the crowd to rate once the submissions period has ended. You can see all the images uploaded to a contest, but will need to rate them to see how they’re ranked once the rating period begins.

Some contests on Photocrowd also have a judge. After the submission period closes the judge chooses their favourite images and writes some image reviews. The crowd and judge results will be announced on the same day.

Entries closed
23 October 2016

23 October 2016 to 26 October 2016

Winners announced
26 October 2016

For a more detailed explanation of how rating works, see our FAQs

See open contests