Sponsors and Supporters


Global SinoPhoto Awards thanks all our sponsors and supporters




Alamy is the world's most diverse stock photo library representing over 440,000 photographers in over 173 countries serving 100,000 clients across the publishing, design, advertising and broadcast spheres. Alamy’s headquarters are in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. It has offices in the United States and India, as well as a team based in Australia. In February 2020, Alamy was acquired by PA Media Group, the UK-based news and information business. See more on Alamy: www.alamy.com

Alamy拥有世界上最多样化的照片图库,代理超过 173 个国家的 440,000 多名摄影师,为出版、设计、广告和广播领域的 100,000 名客户提供服务。Alamy的总部设在英国牛津郡,在美国和印度均设有办事处,并在澳大利亚设有团队。2020 年 2 月,Alamy被英国新闻和信息机构 PA Media Group 收购。 www.alamy.com

WAF China
WAF China is the only World Architecture Festival event authorized by EMAP in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan regions. This year is the first year of WAF China and will be held in Chengdu, WAF China will be an annual event. www.worldarchitecturefestival.com

世界建筑节,中国是唯一一个被EMAP批准的在中国大陆,香港,澳门和台湾地区举办的世界建筑节。今年的首届中国世界建筑节将在成都举办。 www.worldarchitecturefestival.com

Official Translation by Lan-bridge Communication Ltd
Lan-bridge Communication Ltd is a language service provider based in London and China. Lan-bridge was founded in Chengdu in 2000 to cater to the increasing demand for translation services as more and more foreign companies invested in China, and as Chinese companies began to cooperate with partners all over the globe.

语言桥伦敦公司 是一家总部位于伦敦和中国的语言交流服务公司。为满足越来越多的外国公司在中国投资,以及中国企业在全球合作的翻译需求,语言桥于2000年在成都创建。20年来,语言桥形成了精品笔译、口译和同传、译员外包、企业培训、图书翻译与版权代理五大业务布局,覆盖国际工程、装备制造、政府采购、文体娱乐、生物医药、游戏与动漫、法律财经、信息技术八大垂直领域。

Awards category sponsors:


'Volitation Ltd. - sponsor for the 'Work and Study' category

Volitation Ltd. is a local-based time-honoured company with its headquarter located in London, UK. It provides consulting management services for import and export trade between China and the UK as well as European countries. Its trade products include furniture, seafood, alcohol, and medical treatment etc. Volitation has more than 10 years of experience in import and export and overseas warehouse operation management.


英国飞翔有限公司 是一家总部位于英国伦敦的本土老字号公司,为中国与英国欧洲各国之间的进出口贸易提供咨询管理服务。英国飞翔拥有10年以上的进出口及海外仓运营管理经验,通过自行研发的系统整合其英国及欧洲网络资源,打造跨境电商综合服务平台,提供完善的供应链服务体系。

ACE UK Group – sponsor for the 'Us, Now' category

ACE UK Group includes Anglo Chinese Executive Travel Ltd (ACE Travel) and Anglo Chinese Executive Communications with the in-depth expertise in tourism and cultural business exchanges between China and the UK and Ireland. 


Smart Stone[市井文化篇] - Sponsor for the 'Street Life (youth)' category

Smart Stone is a leading edu-tech solution provider aiming to apply virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technology to teaching and learning process. Our solutions including the VR Classroom and AR/VR Coding have been successfully applied into more than 500 schools in Global. www.SmartStoneVR.com, www.xSpaces.io

We thank our supporters for their generosity:


Global SinoPhoto Awards - to connect humanity, strengthen understanding and bridge communities through competitions, exhibitions, publications, and opportunities.

【华人镜界】国际摄影大奖赛—— 大赛,展览,出版;镜悟华夏,弘扬人文

Supported charity: The Mothers’ Bridge of Love
The Mothers’ Bridge of Love (MBL) is a UK registered charity which was founded in 2004 by Xinran, a columnist of The Guardian and author of eight worldwide published books, such as The Good Women of China, Sky Burial, Miss Chopsticks, China Witness, and The Promise. MBL reaches out to Chinese children in all corners of the world: those who have been adopted by Western families in 27 countries, those who have been raised abroad, and those living in China, often in destitute conditions. MBL is also striving to introduce an authentic China to the West.


Founders and Organisers:


Yintong Betser is the founder of the Global SinoPhoto Awards and the founder of ACTIVE Anglo Chinese Communications. Yintong is the Chinese advisor to the London Chamber of Commerce (LCC); she was interviewed by the BBC in 2014 as a representative of the Chinese business representative in London. Yintong is also the author of the book series ACTIVE Business Travel series (GB + China) and a column writer for the London Business Matters and the Chinese Business Gazette.

阴彤女士(Yintong Betser)是此大奖赛的创始人,也是英中创易国际公司的创始人及总经理,她已经从事中西文化商务交流20余年。阴彤女士本人还是伦敦工商协会特聘顾问,策划专家。她曾作为业界专家及杰出华人代表,于2014年中国总理访英期间接受BBC专访。阴彤女士还是中英出版物《创易商旅手册》中国/英国丛书的作者,英国《伦敦商务》杂志和的《华商报》的专栏作家。请见微信公号文章,获得摄影故事和信息。

Lynne Bryant is the co-founder of this Global SinoPhoto Awards and founder of The Architectural Photography Awards. Lynne was also the founder of Arcaid Images - the first privately owned UK-based image library of architecture photography and was the Chairperson of the British Association of Picture Libraries (BAPLA). Lynne is currently the Honorary Secretary of The Architecture Club.

Lynne Bryant女士是此国际大奖赛的合作创始人;也是世界建筑节《建筑摄影大奖》的创始人。Bryant女士曾担任英国图片社协会(BAPLA)的主席,现任建筑俱乐部的名誉秘书长。她创建的Arcaid 图片公司为当时在英国的第一家私营图片公司,代理来自世界各地的摄影师及其作品。

imtmphoto / Alamy Stock Photo

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