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expert judged
Sandeep Patel

Shape and contrast

In association with Lutify.me

Open Rating Results

The use of contrast or shape in photography can be an excellent way to convey a sense of depth, perspective or even drama. We want to see your best images which put shapes and contrast to good use. Please use 'contrast' in the widest possible context - contrasting colours, contrasting shades or light intensities or even contrasting subjects. Please use 'shape' in its widest context as well - strong geometrical lines, a clear definition of light and shadow or even patterns. Have a good think about how these elements compliment or contrast each other and the effect they have on the viewer.

Amazing prizes from Lutify.me, for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place photographers in both the expert-judged and crowd vote categories.

Prize details

First place in both the expert-judged category and the crowd vote – a lifetime license for ALL Lutify.me products, current and future (at the moment Professional 3D LUTs package and LUTs Previewer. Other products to come soon.) A permanent mention on our blog, featuring photographer’s work and a mention in our newsletter sent to almost 300K subscribers.

Second place in both the expert-judged category and the crowd vote – a one year license for ALL Lutify.me products, current and future (at the moment Professional 3D LUTs package and LUTs Previewer. Other products to come soon.)

Third place in both the expert-judged category and the crowd vote – a one year license for Professional 3D LUTs package.

How it works

Every photo submitted will be available for the crowd to rate once the submissions period has ended. You can see all the images uploaded to a contest, but will need to rate them to see how they’re ranked once the rating period begins.

Some contests on Photocrowd also have a judge. After the submission period closes the judge chooses their favourite images and writes some image reviews. The crowd and judge results will be announced on the same day.

Entries closed
5 November 2019

5 November 2019 to 20 November 2019

Winners announced
20 November 2019

For a more detailed explanation of how rating works, see our FAQs

See open contests