Always one of our most popular rounds, this category reflects photographers’ appreciation of and love for the natural world, with anything from the migration of wildebeest across the Serengeti to tigers in Ranthambore National Park making an appearance. But don’t assume you have to spend huge sums of money on trips to remote safari locations in order to capture an original shot. There is almost endless scope for photographing wildlife subjects in towns and cities, and even our own back gardens. Try telling the viewer a story about the way in which a creature lives by showing it in context – be that an opportunistic urban fox foraging around dustbins, or a seagull stealing chips from a hapless tourist. Or go the other way, and fill the frame with the head of a majestic lion, or the beady eye of a bird. Please note, this is not the category for domestic pets.
There are £3,000 (GBP) worth of vouchers to win in Young APOY 2023, supplied by sponsors, MPB, plus the title of Young Amateur Photographer of the Year 2023. Click the 'Prize details' tab for more information.
The winner of each round in Young APOY 2023 will take home a £250 (GBP) voucher from MPB, and will be crowned Young Amateur Photographer of the Year 2023.
This contest is expert judged only with no rating by the crowd. You will be able to find out how you did when the judging or rating period has closed.
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