Happiness is a universal emotion. It is visibly expressed at weddings, or even funerals to celebrate a past life; friends' reunions; success in work and studies. With this overall theme, we want to see colour, emotion, action and excitement, and all works submitted must be linked to Chinese culture.
The judges are looking for images that lift the spirit. The overall winner will be chosen from eight category winners, including two winners in the 'Street life' category for 13-17 year olds. When choosing the overall winner, our judges will be looking more closely at the composition and technical attributes, as well as for an image that gives a positive feeling.
Happiness does not have to be obvious – it can be subtle and it can be implied.
华夏文化的喜悦形态多彩灿烂无时不在: 婚丧嫁娶均有‘喜’;24节气更是‘喜从天降’;有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎,令人‘喜不自禁’;预祝事业有成便有‘恭喜发财’;庆贺学业有望则有‘喜登高榜’;即便出行远游也有‘喜不思蜀’…… 我们期待看到充满色彩、情感、行动和激情的,并具有“华人文化”元素的精彩作品。
Food is at the heart of all Chinese activities: eating, growing, harvesting, queuing for and selling food. A staple of life, we put food, however simple, at the core of our experiences. From selecting and preparing produce, to sharing the tastes. Food transcends eating. Encounters that involve a meal are among our most vibrant and indelible.
民以食为天, 食以安为先: 传统中餐闻名于世, 中西合璧的新意美食也层出不穷。舌尖上的美味, 显示智慧和勤劳, 为食的奔忙将人类凝聚在一起。 作品内容可包括: 从生产到制作, 从食堂到夜市等所有与“食”相关的各种生存场景与社会活动。
This category is generously sponsored by Volitation. Images from farming to shipbuilding, learning or teaching, business leaders, skilled artisans and factory workers - our work brings focus to our day and friends to our families. Skills and responsibilities can be passed down through the generations or invented by dedicated students, while entrepreneurs promote and utilise advancing new technology. Never before has work been so diverse.
书山有路勤为径, 苦海无涯苦作舟: 华人的求学与勤劳已在世界成为不争之实。 作品内容可包括: 我们期盼收到有关勤学和劳作的摄影作品。求学,创业, 城乡间各种劳作, 以及庭院内外家务等均可。
Memories triggered by a visit to an old building, an object or photograph. Deep in our hearts and minds places and ‘things’ can evoke a warm nostalgia; they can take us to a period or place with happy personal associations.
江山留胜迹,我辈复登临: 华夏文明,记载千年万物传承;身边念品,见物生情。 作品内容可包括: 古董旧物或古迹非遗, 国史家什均可。爷爷的芭蕉扇, 儿时的风筝, 家藏的纪念章, 古代遗址一游的趣影等, 皆受欢迎。
Images that evoke calm, peace and relaxation. A quiet space, a beautiful Chinese landscape, daydreaming while staring out of a window, objects on a desk, or flowers in a vase.
酒阑更喜团茶苦, 梦断偏宜瑞脑香: 禅道是中国文化中融天地合阴阳的生存理念: 通透, 祥和, 省思。 作品内容可包括: 茶艺境界,禅道静物,林中的清风摇曳,望眼窗外静思,或是一缕摄于室内的暖阳。
A celebration of portrait photography - of individuals or groups, family or strangers, any age, anywhere, Chinese people alone or with friends, wherever or whoever they may be.
去年花里逢君别,今日花开又一年。现今空前绝后的非常时期,使我们难见远方的亲友,更加珍视身边的友人和陌路。 作品内容可包括: 召集各类肖像类作品,呈现生活在当今的我们。可以是华人特写,也可是华人家庭亲朋共处;任何地方,任何场景。
Festivals, weddings, kites and cakes, decorating and dumplings, fireworks and family. What better time for Chinese friends and family to share time. It doesn’t matter if you’re embracing an old tradition or inventing your own. To celebrate is to dress up, to eat well and laugh - a lot.
遍召群神到海东,不知香火普天同:千古文明衍生的民俗庆典堪称世界一绝。即便移居他乡, 祖传节庆加入新元素,仍在普天同庆。
作品内容可包括: 欢庆的各种情景和各类物品皆可:打扮起来红艳艳,全家团聚吃饺子,毕业典礼放礼花,贺卡香槟齐祝贺。
This is a special youth category for 13-17 year olds. It is FREE to enter.
All of life can be seen in our neighbourhood streets: Its character can change as day turns to night. A meeting place or transit space where the best fashion trends are always spotted, children play and traders encourage us to buy their produce.
袨服华妆着处逢,六街灯火闹儿童:千年丝绸路,万代家商贾。日常生活中的喜怒哀乐,尽在大街小巷中。 作品内容可包括:从乡村的集市到都市的宽街,从故地的土产到遍布世界的唐城色相。华人的生活在这里交汇,古今中外在此处融合。